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Beware of Pubic Lice

It is very important to maintain the cleanliness and health of your intimate organ areas, especially pubic hair. Because if not, pubic lice might land and cause itching. Pubic lice are shaped like crabs and alight from one human to another by crawling between hairs on the human body. Not only perched, this little creature can also cause itching and infection around the pubic hair if you neglect to maintain cleanliness.

Pubic Lice

Pubic lice is a small insect that is shaped like a crab and infects the pubic hair area. Pubic lice will also spread its eggs around your pubic hair. Although the name is pubic hair lice and usually attacks the hair around the sex organs, it can also be in other parts of the body, such as eyebrows, armpits, leg hair, mustaches, beards or eyelashes. Pubic hair lice usually occur in adults, but can also affect children. The most common mode of transmission or transmission is through sexual contact. Apart from sexual contact, pubic hair lice can also spread through objects used by people who have been infected, such as towels, clothes, or bed sheets. Even so, pubic hair lice cannot be transmitted through the use of toilets, because they do not have legs that can survive on slippery surfaces and cannot live far from the warmth of the human body. If you feel itching around your intimate organs, and the itching becomes more and more at night, you may have been infected with pubic lice. Try to check the presence or absence of a collection of eggs or lice around the pubic hair or other body parts that feel itchy. Usually, itching will appear for 2-4 weeks after infection or even immediately after the lice infect the pubic hair area. In addition to itching, other symptoms that may appear are bite wounds around the intimate organs, scratch marks, or skin that changes color to bluish gray.

How to Overcome Pubic Lice

If you experience some of the symptoms above, the first thing you can do yourself at home include:
  • Wash clothes, sheets or towels that you use, with soap and hot water at least 54 degrees Celsius or more. Then dry it for 20 minutes with hot temperature, or dry in at least 2 days in the hot sun. If there are objects that cannot be washed, try to put them in an airtight bag for two weeks.
  • Use a flea-killing shampoo or lotion containing permethrin, repeat within 7 to 10 days later to eradicate eggs that might not have died during the first administration. You can buy this shampoo or lotion at the pharmacy, but before buying and using it, it is advisable to consult with your doctor first.
  • For lice that lay eggs and infect eyelashes, the anti-lotion lotion cannot be used because it can irritate the skin around the eyes. To help eradicate lice on the fur and eyebrows, you can apply a moisturizing petroleum jelly to the hair around the eyes. Its use twice a day, for at least 3-4 weeks.
Even though you have used shampoo or lotion that can kill head lice, sometimes pubic hair lice can still be alive. If this happens, you should consult a doctor in order to get more appropriate treatment. If the drug still does not work to kill lice, the doctor may prescribe the lindane drug that is usually given after other treatments have not been successful. However, this drug should not be given to nursing mothers, pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 2 years. Check with your doctor after one week of treatment or after you feel that the lice around your sex organs are dead. The doctor will make sure the head lice and pubic lice eggs are completely gone. In addition to conducting an examination to diagnose pubic lice, doctors may also check for sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia. Because pubic hair lice are more common in those who suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. If you are infected with pubic lice, your spouse or person who is living with you also needs further testing and treatment. This is because pubic hair lice are easily transmitted through physical contact. During treatment it is advisable not to have sex. Maintain cleanliness and health of the area of ​​sex organs, including pubic hair should not be ignored. Consult your doctor if you find pubic lice on your intimate organs, so that you get the right treatment and pubic lice can disappear completely.
